Our Network
J.B.L.Kindergarden and Primary school, in Wareya Lambagny, Guinea (Conakry)
international pre-school, built through "Tina Yaradokhe Saar e.V.", a non-profit
organization created in 1993 in Germany. Collaborators included French Catholic
Mission in Saarland (Germany), Social Ministries of IHM in Cincinnati, OH (USA)
and more. A trilingual (French, German, English) library “Standine” was built
in Wareya in 1997, by 2000 an amount of 6 classrooms came to life and by 2015 a
total of 9 classrooms and a long waiting list of potential students followed. Access to a nearby vocational institution is needed, thus the Mariama Bara International School Project.
African Professionals Network (APNET), in Cincinnati, Ohio
Afro-Deutscher Frauenverein e.V., in Rheine, NRW
Cincinnati Computer Cooperative, in Cincinnati Ohio
African Professionals Network (APNET), in Cincinnati, Ohio
Afro-Deutscher Frauenverein e.V., in Rheine, NRW
Cincinnati Computer Cooperative, in Cincinnati Ohio
Kreuz des Südens - Southern Cross e.V., in NRW/Saarland
Mission Catholique Francophone En Sarre, Saarbrücken, Saarland
Mk Guinean Prestations, in Hyattsville, Maryland
Zumba Fitness, in Saarbrücken/Heidelberg, Saarland/BW