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International Vocational Institute Project

 Shaping exceptional children by a mutual exchange of skills from their part of the world.

               Mariama Bara International Vocational Institute Project

Mariama Bara School (MBS) is a Cincinnati, Ohio registered educational non-profit organization. 

We foster partnerships with professionals and individuals interested in working on community enrichment programs to remedy youth academic and professional exclusion locally & abroad.

Our cause:

Seeking adequate education and work opportunities 13,458 Guineans fled their country in 2019, among which 2,422 to Germany¹. Furthermore the literacy rate hit 30.4% in 2015 (38.1% Men, 22.8% Women (est.)². Therefore our goal is to make adequate education accessible to the 15-25 year old youth.
Source: ¹WorldData.info ² Index Mundi 

Our goal:

To build an international vocational institution in Boffa, Guinea (W. Africa) towards our market niche. Graduating students of our partner school "J.B.L. Kindergarden and Primary school" and youth of the surrounding community are already on the waiting list to attend the vocational institution needing to be built.

Mentors, teachers, partners and funds are needed to serve this purpose and help the project bloom; including collaborating partner cities. A win-win relationship.